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I just saw a conservative commentator video on YouTube that simply said “Stop trying” in terms of “getting pop culture on your side”

It is a good point if one of your…not positions so much, but general attitude among supporters is that the vast majority of entertainers, in just about every platform or avenue, are vapid line fallers when it comes to progressive Democrat issues, and just do it more so for the symbiotic relationship with power brokers in the Democratic political mainstream.

So it pretty much is a “why bother” I mean sure you want some entertainment, but it’s better to spotlight a “Who is that!?” than call upon someone who can be cringe worthy for reasons beyond their political and social beliefs* because the A through M Lists won’t return calls and threaten legal action if you use their IPs as part of your presentations!

*Your buddy, The Richmeister might be a good example, though many probably don’t realize he can be a bit of an arrogant jerk (I have heard a story about him being involved in an MLM and was pushing supplement jars on everyone on a set he was on years ago) and assume so because he’s “on the wrong side” on socio-political issues of the day.

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